Ruden Sports News


Fairfield Warde Wins Vote; Jumps Into Splash Car Wash Fan Showdown Lead

Dave Ruden


Fairfield Warde has taken the first step to winning the 9th annual Ruden Report Fan Showdown, presented by Splash Car Wash.

Warde won the voting competition and the five points awarded for first place. Greenwich is second, followed by Fairfield Ludlowe, Trumbull and Ridgefield.

The voting counts for one-third of the scoring.

The contest now moves to the video portion of the competition to determine the winner, which will receive $500 for its athletic department.

Each school has until Sunday to submit their videos. We will start displaying the videos next week. A panel will judge the videos. They will give a 3 to the best one, 2 for the second-best one and 1 for the third-best. The school that earns the most overall video points, as with the voting, will get 5 points. Second place is worth 4 points, third place is worth 3 points, fourth place is worth 2 points and fifth place gets 1 point. We will add up the points from the vote and the videos to determine the winner.

If two schools tie, we will give them the option to agree on holding another vote to break it or to split the $500.

So check back as we post the videos and determine a champion for the eighth annual Ruden Report Fan Showdown.


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