Team Of The Week

Team of the week

Vote For The Ruden Report-Fairfield County Bank Team Of The Week

Dave Ruden



We have five teams on the menu for the first Ruden Report-Fairfield County Bank Team of the Week vote of the new school year. Your finalists are: 

  • Darien Boys Soccer
  • Ludlowe Field Hockey
  • Ridgefield Volleyball
  • Trumbull Girls Soccer
  • Wilton Boys Golf

The winning team will get our new Team of the Week T shirts, courtesy of Fairfield County Bank.

The Blue Wave defeated Westhill and Wilton by a combined 9-1 margin.

The Falcons scored 13 goals, defeating Westhill and Greenwich.

The Tigers opened with wins over St. Joseph and John Kennedy.

The Eagles defeated Danbury and Fairfield Warde by a combined 7-1 margin.

The Warriors got off to a 3-0-1 start, with a tie against Greenwich.


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