Ruden Sports News


McFarland, Danko, Woods, Ingber, Fahey To Be Honored At Ruden Report Awards Night On Oct. 27

Dave Ruden


The Ruden Report will host the 3rd Annual FCIAC Awards Night on October 27 at The Guest House at Sacred Heart University, from 6-8 p.m. The event is sponsored by BMW of Darien.

The celebration will honor three league coaches and two athletes. In the career achievement category, the recipients are Staples baseball coach Jack McFarland and Fairfield Warde girls basketball coach David Danko. The 2023-24 Coach of the Year is New Canaan girls lacrosse coach Kristin Woods.

Brien McMahon’s Zoe Ingber and St. Joseph’s Connor Fahey are the Charlie Capalbo Inspiration Award winners as the FCIAC athletes who demonstrate excellence on the field and motivate through actions off of it. Capalbo is the former Fairfield hockey goaltender who lost his public and national battle with cancer. Capalbo’s parents will be on hand to present the award to Lauretani.

Armen Keteyian, the 11-time Emmy Award-winning journalist and the author or co-author of six New York Times bestsellers, including The System and Tiger Woods, will be the guest speaker. His most recent work is The Price: What It Takes to Win in College Football’s Era of Chaos.

The evening will begin with a cocktail period at 5:30, followed by dinner. Tables for 10 cost $1,250, with individual seats available for $125. There is limited seating.

Tickets can be purchased using this link.

For more details contact Dave Ruden at [email protected].



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