Ruden Sports News


The Ruden Report Expanding This Spring To Cover SCC, NVL

Dave Ruden


As announced yesterday on The Ruden Report Live, we are expanding. After 12 1/2 years covering the FCIAC, The Ruden Report is going to start providing coverage of both the SCC and NVL conferences.

We are beginning modestly, this spring, with baseball coverage of the two leagues. We will offer both an SCC and NVL Game of the Week, plus a weekly notebook featuring the two leagues. Veteran writer Ned Griffen will handle the reporting.

This is just a start. In the fall we will make a big splash, offering football coverage and, depending on interest, perhaps some additional sports.

The SCC and NVL will have their own pages on the site.

Branching out was an important part of the discussions when I sold the site to Connoisseur Media last summer, and with their strong radio presence in the two leagues’ readership areas, there will be the opportunity to provide coverage over a number of different platforms.

There will be no cutbacks in FCIAC coverage as a result of the move. In fact we are looking to further grow it.

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