Ruden Sports News


Vote For The 84 Sports Unsung Player Of The Week

Dave Ruden


We have four athletes on the menu for the 84 Sports Unsung Player of the Week award. The vote runs until 10 a.m. on Wednesday. The winner gets our UPOTW T-shirt.

The finalists:

Nelle Kniffen, Darien Girls Soccer. Kniffen, a junior midfielder, played a key role in the Blue Wave’s perfect week.

McKalynn Jacobsen, Fairfield Ludlowe Field Hockey. Jacobsen scored a goal and had two assists and has been a leader in the middle of the field for the Falcons.

Megan Klosowski, Ridgefield Girls Soccer. Klosowski has been a leader at midfield and scored four goals in the last three games.

Pat Ciquera, Staples Football. Ciquera finished with 15 tackles in a 7-0 loss to Ridgefield.



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