Player Of The Week

  • Player of the week

Vote For The Ruden Report-Fairfield County Bank Players Of The Week

Dave Ruden



We have five male and five female finalists for The Ruden Report-Fairfield County Bank Player of the Week votes.

The votes will run until noon on Thursday. The winners will receive our Player of the Week T-shirts.

Here are the male finalists:

Jermayne Daniels, Brien McMahon Football. Daniels scored twice in the Senators’ first win, 41-7 over Wilbur Cross.

Will Kirby, Darien Football. Kirby scored three touchdowns in a 48-0 win over Westhill.

Declan McNamara, Ridgefield Football. McNamara’s punting and fake for a first down were keys in a 7-0 win over Staples.

James Rinello, Greenwich Football. Rinello completed 17 of 22 passes for 304 yards and four touchdowns in a win over Norwalk.

John Wise, New Canaan Football. Wise scored four touchdowns in a 54-7 win over Westhill.


Here are the female finalists:

Tessa Albrecht, Norwalk Field Hockey. Albrecht set the school scoring record with six goals and four assists this week.

Zita Cohen, Greenwich Field Hockey. Cohen scored twice in a 3-1 win over Rye.

Ellen Holmquist, Wilton Swimming. Holmquist won the 100 and 200 freestyle in a win over New Canaan.

Maya Reiner, Staples Field Hockey. Reiner scored both goals in a 2-0 win over Fairfield Warde.

Elle Sneddon, New Canaan Volleyball. Sneddon finished with 34 assists in a 3-1 win over Stamford.



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