Ruden Sports News


Vote For The Ruden Report-Fairfield County Bank Players Of The Week

Dave Ruden


We have four male and six female finalists for The Ruden Report-Fairfield County Bank Player of the Week votes.

The votes will run until noon on Thursday. The winners will get our new performance T-shirts, courtesy of Fairfield County Bank.

Here are the male finalists:

William Flynn, Greenwich Soccer. Flynn scored the deciding goal in a 2-1 win over Stamford.

Fisher Mills, Ridgefield Soccer. Mills scored twice as the Tigers got their first win, 3-1 over Norwalk.

Franco Milovanov, Trumbull Soccer. Milovanov had a goal and an assist in a 2-1 win over Fairfield Warde.

Luca Palamenti, New Canaan Cross Country. Palamenti took first place in a meet against Stamford.

Here are the female finalists:

Bailey CenatiempoTrumbull Volleyball. Cenatiempo finished with 21 kills, 25 digs and 2 blocks in a win over St. Joseph.

Addie Leder, Greenwich Volleyball. Leder finished with 38 assists in a win over New Canaan and 28 in a win over Stamford.

Hannah Seward, Ridgefield Swimming. Seward won the 50 and 100 freestyle races and was part of two winning relay teams.

Riley Shipman, New Canaan Cross Country. Shipman took first place in a win over Stamford.

Maddie Wecker, Wilton Soccer. Wecker’s play at center midfield helped the Warriors to two wins.

Blake Wilks, Darien Field Hockey. Wilks scored twice in a 3-1 win over New Canaan.

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