Ruden Sports News


Enter The Senior Spotlight Contest

Dave Ruden


We have spent the past two months highlighting senior spring athletes to try and compensate for the publicity they missed out on because of the canceled season.

For our final major contest of the 2019-20 school year, we want to put the focus on ALL senior athletes in the most positive way we could think of.

So we are introducing The Senior Spotlight contest, sponsored by Pane e Bene restaurant. The winning prize is a $100 gift card to Pane e Bene in Westport.

Here is how it will work: We will start you with a Superlative…Most Inspirational. We are asking seniors to nominate another senior they consider their most inspirational teammate. DM a photo of either you and the teammate or just the teammate to The Ruden Report Instagram account. Write a very brief sentence that will fit on a post explaining the reason for your nomination. Include your names, school and teams and the information so we can tag your teammate.

Every nomination will be posted on The Ruden Report story. Our three judges will then pick the best ones. We will post those here on the site and then hold a Team of the Week style vote. The winner and the person that made the nomination will share the gift card for a special dinner.

All entries are due by Thursday at 6 p.m. The vote will begin next Sunday night.

This is a way for seniors to pay tribute to their teammates and to showcase the special athletes from the Class of 2020.

Thanks to Austin Carfi and TRR social media directors Aly Sivinski and Olivia Waldron for their help organizing the contest and to Austin for the contest logo.

You can state submitting your entries now. Good luck.


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