Ruden Sports News


Six Male, 13 Female Finalists For The Ruden Report Fall Players Of The Year

Dave Ruden


After a long list of memorable accomplishments over the past two months, starting on Sunday morning it is time for you to decide who was the very best of the best. We have selected six outstanding male and 13 female finalists for the Ruden Report-Fairfield County Bank FCIAC Fall Male and Female Player of the Year awards.

With several schools having more than one deserving athlete, we are going to experiment this fall and have two finalists from several schools.

The winners will receive special custom-made T shirts with the players’ names and uniform numbers on the back.

There will be a separate vote for a Football Player of the Year at the end of the season.

The finalists were compiled after talking to and getting recommendations from league coaches in each sport, as well as personal observations.

The male finalists are:

  • Morgan Fierro, Staples Cross Country
  • Tiago Frazao, Trumbull Soccer
  • Alex Vargas, Brien McMahon
  • Danny Villalba, Fairfield Warde Soccer
  • Tyler Warren, Danbury Soccer
  • Michael Zizzadoro, Wilton Soccer

The female finalists are:

  • Tessa Albrecht, Norwalk Field Hockey
  • Ali Castro, Trumbull Volleyball
  • Maddie Fried, St. Joseph Soccer
  • Mia Gonzalez, Staples Soccer
  • Olivia Hahn, Wilton Field Hockey
  • Molly Hellman, Darien Field Hockey
  • Kyle Kirby, Staples Field Hockey
  • Meghan Lynch, Greenwich Swimming
  • Peyton McNamara, Brien McMahon Soccer
  • Mari Noble, Greenwich Cross Country
  • Betsy Sachs, Westhill Volleyball
  • Hannah Seward, Ridgefield Swimming
  • Lauren Walsh, Trumbull Swimming

The voting will run from Sunday morning until noon on Wednesday, so check back and be prepared to vote.


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