Ruden Sports News


Splash Car Wash Fan Showdown: Vote For The Best Fan Base

Dave Ruden


They battle from the bleachers, from the stands and on social media.

So for the ninth year we ask the question: which FCIAC school has the best fans? Can Trumbull defend its title and win for the fifth time in six years? Will we crown a different champion?

The overall winner of the contest will receive $500 for its school’s athletic department.

Here in the first part of The Ruden Report Fan Showdown, which is sponsored by Splash Car Wash, we ask you to vote for which of the 13 schools — Darien, Fairfield Ludlowe, Fairfield Warde, Greenwich, Brien McMahon, New Canaan, Norwalk, Ridgefield, Stamford, Staples, Trumbull, Westhill and Wilton  — has the best fans.

The vote will run until noon on Wednesday. The team that wins the vote will receive 5 points. Second place is worth 4 points, third place is worth 3 points, fourth place is worth 2 points and fifth place gets 1 point. The vote counts for one-third of the total score.

The second component is the video competition. The videos are due a week from today. For a complete set of the contest rules, you can click here.

So vote early and check back to see which school wins the voting portion of the 8th annual Ruden Report Fan Showdown.


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